How To Choose a Strong Password For Your WordPress Site

We can surely say, that the most important point in the security of online accounts is the Password. Any WordPress website provides you password option for creating an online account. But what if someone is able to guess and retrieve your password? They can easily bypass almost every security measure available on your site. They can then make any type of changes they wish to make on your website.

According to the estimation, 23.2% of all websites running on some version of WordPress have been targeted for some malicious activity.

Firstly you will do everything to make your WordPress Password secure. The better WordPress plugin will let you do this thing quickly and easily. The two plugins that secure your WordPress Password are: Expire Passwords and Strong Password Generator (also, you can check the WordPress Pricing table plugin).

  • Expire Passwords: Provide an option to users to change their passwords on a regular basis.
  • Strong Password Generator: Help you to generate strong passwords.

This article will provide you an intro of these plugins and also how will they help you to secure your WordPress Password.

Expire Passwords

This is the fact that if you have more active login accounts on your site, then there are more and more opportunities for their break-in. And once your site has been hacked, hacker can easily bypass all of your security measures and do some real time damages.

Expire Passwords is a WordPress plugin that allows user to change their passwords on a regular basis. The plugin reduces the risk of unauthorized access from the fake users by allowing user to reset their password on a regular basis. The plugin is mainly designed by keeping the security of banking, government and healthcare websites in mind. These websites are those ones where security regulations are very important (also, check this useful post – What is WordPress wp-config.php File).

The plugin will help you to:

  • Maintain the freshness of passwords on a regular basis.
  • Reduce the risks of unauthorized access.
  • Keep all the stale users away from your website.

How to reset the password on a regular basis with Expire Passwords plugin?

Here are some steps to install the Expire Passwords plugin and reset the password with it.

Step 1: Install and activate the plugin. Click on Plugins >> Add new and install and activate this plugin.

Step 2: Click on Users >> Expire Passwords and set the number of days users are allowed to use the same WordPress password. Meanwhile, set users who will be required to reset their WordPress password regularly.

Sometimes, user doesn’t want to change their WordPress password on a regular basis. They just want some strong passwords to secure their WordPress account. So, here is another plugin that will help the user to generate a Strong Password.

Strong Password generator

Generating a strong password is easier than reset a password on a regular basis.

Strong Password Generator is a WordPress plugin that allows users to generate strong WordPress passwords to secure their WordPress Admin area. This plugin is considered to be the best defence plugin for maintaining a secure website. The user doesn’t need to think about the strong WordPress password. This plugin will generate one for them very easily (also, check the WordPress Membership Plugins list).

How to generate strong passwords from Strong Password Generator Plugin?

Here are some steps that are to be followed to generate strong WordPress password with this plugin.

Step 1: Click on Plugins >> Add New and install and activate the Strong Password Generator plugin.

Step 2: You can change password when you first install WordPress. After that, you can generate a strong password by clicking on Users >> Your Profile.


Once you’ve generated your password, it will appear just below the length indicator. This generated WordPress password will be very strong in strength.


Both the above-mentioned plugins are the best plugins to make your WordPress Secure. WordPress security has been a very hot topic from the past few years. And the security is all about Password. If you want to be your site safe and secure then use above mentioned plugins and make your WordPress password secure (also, check our WordPress Countdown plugin).

What do you think about WordPress Password security? Please share it with us.

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